Reading one of this Libra's Daily Horoscope makes me stood for a while n make me wanting to read more . This is what I quoted from the Daily Horoscope on the life path based on the date and year of birth.Shocking and it is freaking real. I meaan all of it is so real. o.0

Life Path Number For October 5, 1988 (Not My Birthday)

Your Life Path Number is the most important number in chart. It shows your 'true' self, the ways in which you are best able to lead a fulfilling life and the challenges you will face.

1 + 9 + 8 + 8 + 1 + 0 + 5 = 3 + 2 = 5 = 5

Your Life Path Number: 5

Life Path Number 5: The Wind

Those born under a Life Path Number 5 are as hard to catch, and as freedom-loving as the wind itself.

Naturally changeable and versatile, you thrive on all things new and different. Just like the wind, if anyone tries to capture you, you will die. This is not cruelty - although the broken hearts you leave behind you might argue - it is simply your nature.

The love of freedom for a Life Path Number 5 exists on all levels: Intellectually, you have an eclectic array of interests, although you may not have a deep knowledge of any one thing. Emotionally, you will love many people, and move on just as quickly. This is not to say you will be an unfaithful love partner, only that your ideal mate will need to understand that you may not be home for dinner if you have decided to catch a last minute flight to Timbuktu for a month or so. Spiritually, you are intrigued by religion and are probably knowledgeable about many of them, but prefer to develop your own brand of spirituality rather than be tied to any one dogma.

This constant changing is not, as some people think, an attempt to run away from the things you don't like about yourself. In fact, it is just the opposite: You are always looking for ways to improve things, including yourself. In your own way you are chasing, and contributing to, the perfect world.

Being so open to new experiences make you very compassionate. You feel other people's pain deeply and are quick to draw upon your vast resources to help whenever you can. In true Number 5 style though, you don't like to be shown a lot of gratitude and will often help anonymously when you can. Thanks and gratitude just take up too much time!

Occasionally a Life Path Number 5 will suffer from a permanent feeing of restlessness and discomfort. This is usually when he or she is trying to fit a role that goes against their nature. If you feel this way, perhaps you need to stop feeling guilty for being a free spirit. It is not in everyone's nature to live in the same neighbourhood for their whole life or stay in the same job forever. Give yourself permission to embrace the freedom you so badly need. A Life Path Number 5 is truly the wind of change.

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